Scott Cowen’s and Mike Bernstein’s and Dave Meyer’s Pattern of Misconduct…

If a Tulane administrator engages in misconduct against multiple unrelated people whose only unifying characteristic is that they are “different” – meaning, minorities, those with disabilities, outspoken women, etc. – is that a pattern or is that a curious coincidence?

Cowen et al. (with the tacit permission of Board members like Jay Lapeyre, Kim Boyle, Jeanne Olivier, etc.) repeatedly engage in abusive, inequitable, disturbing conduct toward various individual women, minorities, and those who are otherwise different, and these victims either slink away or sue and are ultimately paid to go away (after swearing to confidentiality).  This means that it becomes easy for Tulane administrators (like Cowen) or Board members (like Lapeyre) to deny that there is a true pattern.

This website – along with the multiple other websites documenting Cowen’s and the Board’s misconduct that exist on the interwebs – will help to document the various unrelated yet eerily similar instances of abuse, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and abusive nonsense perpetrated by Cowen, Bernstein, Meyer, and their hand-picked minions on various unrelated people whose only unifying feature is that they are protected under state and federal laws (like the ADA, Title VII, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, etc.).

If you have been subject to Cowen’s, Bernstein’s, Meyer’s, etc. tom-foolery, e-mail your story to